
Infant mental health and baby massage

I won’t ever stop saying this…..

What we do at the beginning shows up at the end.

If you want a more loving and connected world then the solution is simple: love and support parents and babies.

This is where the power for progressive changes lies, in nurseries and homes, classes and playgroups. The most powerful thing we can do is be loving and empathetic to each other.

That’s why I teach love with my teachers across the world because every baby who knows she is loved, accepted and belongs has the capacity to embody this to another.

It’s so simple but so powerful.

Nurture parents who nurture babies who nurture others.

Love creates love.

That’s why infant mental health is so important in what we do and is covered in depth in all our training courses.

I have listed below my favourite resources to support your knowledge and understanding of infant mental health in relation to infant massage. I am still discovering so much everyday and continue to share with my network of teachers.

Parent and infant foundation

Center of the developing child at Harvard University 


Brazelton UK

Association of infant mental health 

Social baby project

Mums and babies in mind

These are just a few great resources to support your understanding of the power of infant massage and baby yoga. Touch communicates love. Love creates safety and trust. Safety and trust supports infant mental health. Mental health creates joy and enables us to reach our full potential



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