
The illusion of a magic wand-Why building up your baby business takes time and love


Part of my job as a teacher trainer is to help my students establish their practice using my knowledge and experience from the last 15 years. This is something which is very important to my students and which I love to do. You can be the best and most knowledgable teacher, but without good marketing and implementation your wonderful talent can be restricted. This is not good for you or your potential clients. You need to share your magic.

Running your own business means taking on a motivated mindset, being consistent and persistent and connecting with others regularly. There is no magic wand and I am not a fairy godmother. Things work for a while and then you need to revaluate. It’s a constant learning process which is exciting but can be challenging at times.

So what can I share to help? Well, these few tips I have found to make a big difference. The rest is about you tuning into what you want to do and what success means to you. Marketing is just sharing what you do. If you love what you do, show that in your posts, blogs and interactions and you will be half way there.

1. Clients and enrolments come in waves. Sometimes it can be quiet so in that time use the opportunity to get new materials, read, study and connect. Businesses that grow organically are the strongest over time. Lay down some good roots.

2. Enrolments and appointments are sales. To get sales you have to get out and connect as much as possible, in real life, online and through word of mouth. Sales come from activity. No activity, no sales-more activity, more sales (simply put).

3. Collaborations are fun and can boost PR and sales. Get connecting.

4. Having lots of services to offer clients helps to build your practice. Think about what other services you can offer clients to keep them and make them happier.

5. Enrolments on courses come from being consistent and persistent. One blog is not enough, weekly is better. Post regularly on all your social media and get the message out there.

6. Be authentically you. Show the world who you are and what you offer. Clients love connection so don’t be afraid to shine.

Anyone who has a business of any kind will have had a similar experience to you. Its all about making sure you are active in your sales and marketing everyday.

Much love

G xxxx

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