
Introducing our 2017 Bursary Award winner Rachel Augello

I had been considering setting up a baby massage and yoga business for a while but knew I couldn’t afford it.

Following an emergency C-section under general anaesthetic and no recollection of meeting my new baby I had been left totally detached from my baby and not feeling bonded at all and then I joined a baby massage class and it changed everything.

Suddenly I felt a connection that had been missing: touching him and looking at his face for something if other than feeding bonded us. I feel really strongly that every mother should experience this, but especially mothers who have experienced birth trauma. I was still unsure how to go about it and then it pops up on Instagram about your bursary and I thought that’s a sign!!!

I was overwhelmed to have been chosen for this and see it as a positive set towards my own healing and supporting other mothers.

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