
The Science of Love Creates Love


We talk alot about Love Creates Love at Blossom & Berry but what is the science behind it?

The science, so we all know that love is a wonderful thing but this is supported by scientific evidence. Not many people talk about this part but I feel it is hugely important. “Love Creates Love” may sound like a simple idea but it is built on information from studies of how the infant brain develops and how, as mammals, we react to touch.

There have been lots of studies done on the importance of positive interaction for infants and children. Sadly, much of the work focuses on children who have been exposed to neglect where high levels of stress hormones coupled with minimum adult interaction has resulted in permanent changes in their brain structure leading to impaired emotional wellbeing and difficulty in adjusting to stress and anxiety in adulthood (Rutter 1989 et al). There has been much work done on the idea that many emotional difficulties suffered by adults stem from early but poor interactions experienced as children. Childhood is the key time to create, experience and demostrate love.

In addition, the “Love Creates Love” concept follows ideas evolved from research produced by The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. The Center refers to a concept called “Serve and Return” to describe positive reciprocal interaction between a baby and parent. As the parent teaches, the baby learns, the parent responds with a positive cue and an association in the baby’s brain is made. These early interactions are vital to how the early infant brain becomes wired and responsive and help create the foundations for emotional intelligence (Goleman 1995).

To find out more about research supporting baby massage click here.

These videos show Love Creates Love in action of the Love Loop of “Serve and Return” interaction.


I hope this helps show how love really can change the world.

Much love


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