
Celebrating You!

This is just to say “Well Done”, for getting halfway through the course. You are doing a great job and you should be very proud of yourself.

Studying takes commitment, energy and motivation, and you have all these things. This dedication to study will help you to focus on your goal of completing the course and starting your very own business.

Life should be about celebrations, so I hope you will give yourself a little bit of self love and celebration for getting to this point. Soon you will be celebrating even more.

Believe in yourself to complete your goals. You can achieve this and more.Here is a little gift for you.

You can now recieve your certficate to practice baby massage and continue to study baby yoga as you start your classes. Exciting!

This video is great for showing how you can combine baby massage and yoga together. It’s good for inspiration.

Much Love

Gayle xxxx


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