
#BlossomAndBerryBlog- Catching up with Helen Joyce

Hello Everyone!

We hope this Blog finds you well. We wanted to catch up with some of our students to see how they are getting on! This week we are kicking off with Helen Joyce.

How has studying with Blossom & Berry impacted your life?

Studying with blossom and berry has given me the confidence to connect with parents and really ‘put myself out there’ when it comes to networking with other businesses and organisations. Before I had only dreamed about running groups for parents- blossom and berry made that a reality for me.

What has changed since you studied with Blossom and Berry?

I think the biggest change for me is where my focus is in terms of running my groups. It used to be all about creating that bubble with parents and facilitating a time with them to connect and share with their baby. Whilst that is still the heart of what I do, the supportive role has become a big part of it too; I now want to reach out to as many people as I can and use baby massage to help them if they are struggling with any aspect of parenting.

What plans have you got in the pipeline?

I plan to do further training with blossom and berry to support the on going developments within my business. I am starting to establish myself as a strong part of wider community and I really want to continue to develop this. I will continue with the parent support group as well as continuing with the local reusable nappy library.

What are you doing to make your plans take off?

I have completed training with the charity PANDAS so I am now affiliated with them; they provide me with the appropriate training and support to ensure that my group will meet the needs of all parents who attend.

What have you found difficult?

I think the most difficult part has been trying to fit it all in! There is so much that I want to do, and I have to remind myself that I need time to commit to each project individually, otherwise I can not provide a hood service. I have prioritised what I want to do and choosing to focus on one aspect at a time. There is more to come, I am just building up to it!

What do you see for 2017?

For 2017 I see myself continuing with baby massage as I absolutely love it; I love bringing parents together to create special moments with their babies and to share the experience with each other. I also plan to continue to develop my support group so I can reach out to as many people as possible.

We hope that this inspires you to join us in the New year. Whenever you are ready to take the plunge into a new career and a new you, simply follow this link. We will welcome you any time to become part of the Blossom & Berry community!

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