
5 Lessons I Learned Choosing My Family Over My Career

Today I want to share with you a journey close to my heart. It’s about the time I swapped my corporate suit for something that truly resonates with my soul: teaching baby massage and nurturing the bonds between parents and their precious little ones.

  1. Parenthood Transformed Me
    Becoming a mum to my Emily was a game-changer. It wasn’t just about having a new little person in my life; it was about rediscovering who I was. The corporate world, with all its demands, suddenly felt misaligned with the nurturing role I’d stepped into. This transformation taught me that it’s okay to change paths. Your heart knows the way, trust it.
  2. A Leap Into the Unknown
    Leaving a stable, well-paying job to start something as heartfelt (and at the time, as unfamiliar to many) as baby massage classes was, frankly, terrifying. But it was also exhilarating. It reminded me that sometimes, the most rewarding paths aren’t always the ones laid out in front of us but the ones we carve for ourselves.
  3. The Real Cost of Going Back to Work
    The closer my return-to-work date got, the heavier my heart felt. Not just because of the milestones I might miss but the practicalities too, like childcare costs. It struck me that I could end up working just to pay someone else to enjoy those precious moments with my child. No, thank you. I wanted to be there for the first steps, the giggles, and even the messy Play-Doh sessions.
  4. The Priceless Gift of Time
    Creating Blossom and Berry gave me something money can’t buy: time with my children. I could be there for all the little moments that make up a life. And the beauty of it? My work didn’t feel like work. It was, and still is, a passion that allows me to share love and connection with families all over the world.
  5. A Ripple Effect of Love
    Deciding to put family first and start Blossom and Berry wasn’t just about me and my little ones. It was about creating a wave of love that could touch families everywhere. Through teaching parents the art of baby massage, I’ve seen firsthand the power of touch, connection, and presence. It’s a reminder that we’re all part of a bigger family, a global community that thrives on love and support.

If you’re standing at a crossroads, feeling the pull between your career and your heart’s true calling, know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to choose a path that feels more aligned with your soul. Remember, love creates love, and it starts with us.

I hope this speaks to your heart. If you’re curious about how to start this beautiful journey yourself, let’s connect.

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