
5 Things to Know About Baby Yoga

  1. Yoga’s Rich Lineage and Philosophy:
    Yoga, often seen in the West as a series of postures and breathing exercises, is much more than that. Originating from India, it’s a spiritual journey towards enlightenment, deeply rooted in the ancient philosophy of the eight limbs of Yoga. Baby yoga, too, should embrace this holistic approach, transcending beyond mere physical movements.
  1. Baby Yoga’s Introduction and Evolution:
    Introduced in the UK by Birthlight and Dr. Francoise Friedman, baby yoga revolutionised postnatal practices. Combining insights from anthropology and yoga philosophy, it encompasses elements of developmental play, sensory integration, and early childhood development principles like Serve and Return.
  1. The Uniqueness of Each Class:
    Just like every yoga practice, each baby yoga class is unique. While some classes may focus on developmental aspects and playful interactions, others might delve deeper into spiritual elements. The beauty of baby yoga lies in its diversity, catering to various needs and preferences.
  1. Benefits for Both Parent and Baby:
    Unlike baby massage, which is more baby-centric, baby yoga is a co-creative experience. It offers physical and emotional benefits for both the parent and the baby, strengthening their bond. For parents, it’s about recovery and rejuvenation, while for babies, it’s about movement, balance, and sensory development.
  1. The Long-Term Impact:
    Starting baby yoga early can pave the way for a lifelong practice. It’s not just a class; it’s an introduction to a way of life that fosters connection, health, and mindfulness. Embracing baby yoga can lead to a more connected and holistic family life, influenced by the enriching principles of yoga.

At Blossom and Berry we believe in the transformative power of baby yoga. It’s more than a class; it’s a journey into a harmonious and connected way of living. To learn more about our baby yoga classes or to become a certified teacher, visit our website.

Remember, love creates love – and baby yoga is a beautiful expression of this mantra.

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