
Embracing My True Path: 5 Insights – Moving from Lawyer to Love Dreates Love ✨

My journey from a corporate lawyer to a guide for parents and babies has been a mixture of joy, intuition, and profound transformation. About 22 years ago, I listened to the call of my heart and made a leap from the structured world of corporate law into the nurturing embrace of baby massage and yoga. 

Here are five soulful insights from my journey that might light your path if you’re feeling the stirrings of change.

1. Hearing Your Heart’s Whisper

The pivot from my secure corporate role came after a moment of stillness and a life-changing personal revelation—becoming a mother. This experience peeled back layers of my existence, revealing what truly spoke with my soul. If there’s a whisper in your heart nudging you towards a different path, it might just be the universe’s way of showing you where you need to be.

2. Leaping with Love and Trust

Embracing a path of teaching baby massage for me was a leap made from a place of love. It was about trusting that when you move towards what fills you with passion, the universe conspires to support your journey. Remember, it’s the leaps taken in faith that often lead us to our most fulfilling chapters.

3. The Beauty of Simplicity

Transitioning meant revisiting and simplifying life’s complexities, which wasn’t just a financial adjustment but a realignment towards what genuinely fulfilled me—being present with my family and nurturing my dream. There’s profound beauty in simplicity that allows us to focus on what truly nourishes our souls.

4. Nurturing from Passion

Blossom & Berry was birthed from a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of love and nurturing. This passion wasn’t just the seed; it became the very soil that allowed my dream to flourish. Let your passion be the light that guides you; it’s the most powerful force for creating change and connection.

5. The Entrepreneurial Spirit’s Evolution

Embarking on this journey with no prior business experience was a path paved with lessons, growth, and the magic of serendipity. The digital age has ushered in an amazing time for entrepreneurs, offering platforms to share, connect, and grow your vision from anywhere in the world. Embrace these tools, they really can be the bridges between dreams and reality.

This path from corporate rigidity to the freedom of following my heart has been an adventure in discovering what truly makes life vibrant and meaningful. It’s a journey of returning to love, to the essence of connection, and to the belief that love creates love and that when we align with our truth, we can make a world of difference.

If your soul is stirring, yearning for change, I hope you find the courage to listen and the strength to follow that call. 

The world needs your unique light.

If you’d like to find out more about a career in Baby Massage & Yoga you can book a call with me here or drop me an email at [email protected]

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