
How To Relieve Constipation In New Borns

Constipation can be distressing for both new-borns and their parents, but understanding how to alleviate it can bring much-needed relief. New-borns commonly experience constipation due to their immature digestive systems, which can lead to discomfort and fussiness. Fortunately, there are gentle and effective methods to help ease their discomfort and promote regular bowel movements. In this guide, we’ll explore the symptoms  as well as strategies and tips to relieve constipation in new-borns, ensuring their comfort and well-being.

The symptoms of constipation in your baby can include:

  • pooing fewer than 3 times in a week
  • finding it difficult to poo, and poos that are larger than usual
  • dry, hard, lumpy or pellet-like poos
  • unusually smelly wind and poo
  • your baby may be less hungry than usual
  • their tummy might feel firm

The source information can be found on the NHS website, linked at the bottom of this article. 

Among the various techniques available, baby massage emerges as a soothing and natural solution that not only aids in relieving constipation but also fosters bonding and relaxation between parent and baby.

Baby massage can be beneficial in relieving constipation in several ways:

Stimulates the Digestive System: Certain massage techniques, such as gentle circular motions on the baby’s abdomen, can help stimulate the digestive system. This stimulation may promote bowel movement by encouraging the movement of food and waste through the intestines.

Relaxes Abdominal Muscles: Massaging the baby’s abdomen can help relax tense abdominal muscles, which may aid in relieving discomfort associated with constipation. By applying gentle pressure and kneading motions, massage can help loosen hardened stool and facilitate its passage.

Promotes Relaxation: Constipation can sometimes be exacerbated by stress or tension in the body. Baby massage has a calming effect on infants, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. When the baby is relaxed, the muscles of the digestive tract may also relax, allowing for more comfortable bowel movements.

Encourages Bonding and Comfort: Massaging your baby provides an opportunity for close physical contact and bonding, which can offer comfort and reassurance during episodes of constipation. The soothing touch of massage can help distract the baby from discomfort and create a positive association with bowel movements.

Increases Circulation: Massage increases blood flow to the abdomen, which can help improve overall digestive function. Improved circulation can aid in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the digestive organs, supporting their proper function and helping to alleviate constipation.

While baby massage can be helpful in relieving mild cases of constipation, it’s essential to consult with a paediatrician if your baby experiences persistent or severe constipation, as it could be a sign of an underlying medical issue. Additionally, always use gentle, appropriate pressure during massage, and be responsive to your baby’s cues to ensure their comfort and safety.

Alongside baby massage, there are several simple and effective at-home remedies that can help alleviate constipation in new-borns. These remedies include:

A warm bath, this can relax the baby’s muscles and encourage bowel movements. Adequate hydration, whether through frequent breastfeeding or offering formula, helps soften stools and promote regular bowel movements. Introducing fruit juice, such as prune or pear juice, into the baby’s diet can also aid in relieving constipation. Additionally, adjusting the diet by changing the type of milk, if applicable, can help address any underlying digestive issues contributing to constipation.

For more information on alternative remedies, find the source of this material here.

While these remedies can offer relief for constipation in new-borns, it’s essential to consult a paediatrician if your baby continues to experience discomfort or if constipation persists. A paediatrician can provide personalized guidance and ensure that any underlying medical conditions are properly addressed. Additionally, referring to trusted sources such as the NHS website can provide valuable information and guidance on new-born care, including tips for managing constipation, for more information on the symptoms and causes of new born constipation, click here.


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