
Is it really a good idea to have a business and a baby at the same time?

Is it really a good idea to start a business when you have just had a baby?

Let’s get honest. Starting a business requires energy and focus, so is it really a good idea to have a business and a baby at the same time?

My short answer is YES (which you probably guessed!). This is based on personal experience and because I believe if you can have a baby and become a mum, you can use the same skills to “birth your business”


Lets look at the pros and cons as I don’t want to sway the argument too much;


  • A business needs love, attention and energy which you may already be directing at your baby and yourself which means there is not much left for a business.
  • If you need to earn money quickly. A sustainable business takes time to evolve and grow.
  • You will need to plan your time carefully and switch between two roles which means you need to be clear when you are working and when you are not.
  • It might be overwhelming if you are learning how to be a mummy and an entrepreneur at the same time.


  • With motherhood, you have a chance to stop for a moment and assess your life to make sure you are doing what you want. If you aren’t you can create the life you want for yourself and your family. Reinvention can be huge!
  • You have space to breathe for a moment in motherhood to really check in on your life.
  • Becoming a mother is empowering-if you can birth your baby and become a mother, you have the power to do anything.
  • You will have control over your life and so you can work and earn on your terms.
  • You can build a business for your family and be an inspiration to your children.
  • You will have an amazing sense of achievement growing your baby and your business.
  • Growth is often slower at the beginning of your business journey which means that as your children grow, your business will too.
  • You get to be with your children. Full stop. The benefits for everyone from this are huge.

To have a business and a baby at the same time will mean that you have to share your time but its time that you are doing something that lifts you and is fuelled by your passion. If you are going to spend time away from your children working, I would suggest checking in to make sure it is something you really love to do and will not regret giving your time too. If there is a doubt, have a play with the idea of starting your own business. Plan it out with our FREE baby massage plan and see how it feels.

It’s your life so its got to be right for you ♡

Much love


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