
Why love is the new currency in business

Love is the new currency in business.

In a world that is more connected via technology than ever before and sales can roll in from a scroll and a tap 24/7, why should we be concerned with love, connection and service over everything else?

Because we are human and humans strive for physical connection, a sense of security, acceptance and validation. We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. The temporary rush of dopamine your customer might get from purchasing your new product at anytime, anywhere, might light up the pleasure and reward centres in their brain momentarily but the real player you want in your team for long term sustainable growth and success is oxytocin. Oxytocin is the social bonding hormone and comes from feeling like you are part of a community, you belong and you are accepted into the tribe. Oxytocin love is the long game that will convert customers into a community. Oxytocin is what makes your customers fall in love with you and you with them. Sales then turn to service and you connect with the greater impact of your business on the world. Oxytocin flow can be activated when you have more physical contact with your customers, use more videos with eye contact and your voice, when you surprise and delight your client and make them feel part of the tribe. My business is based on online courses and training but I am finding new ways to connect with my teachers in person with retreats, meets ups, regular socials and also being more vulnerable and present in facebook lives and insta stories with my teachers.

Investing in love first

Currency means “in circulation”. The movement and exchange of something of value. So in my world, love is the currency. My success is the love I give and receive and share with others and not the money I earn. I don’t talk about the money I earn because it is a by product of my primary goal to create more positive and enriching experiences for parents and babies. That’s my measure of success-how many teachers I can empower to do what they love from our training and how many parents and babies are reached. I don’t focus on the money. I focus on the social impact. I won’t remember the exact amount of money I had in my bank account at a particular moment but I will remember the photos I got from my teachers showing me the parents and babies in their classes. I will remember and cherish the feedback I get from my teachers after their classes telling me how much they love what they do.

So how can you bring more love currency into your business? I am sharing a few questions to ask yourself and to act on;

  1. How can I make the world a better place with my work? How can I create more harmony? How can I have a positive impact in society? How can I bring more light into the world?
  2. What pain can I relieve in the world? How is my client suffering? What is the problem I can help my client with? What is my client’s need?
  3. How can I use love and service to make my client’s life better?
  4. What does joy look and feel like for my client? How can I bring more joy into my clients life?
  5. How can I build trust in my relationship with my client?
  6. How can I nurture and understand my client community better?

Ask yourself these questions and journal around the answers. You will see love notes appear on the page. Put love into action and make these changes. Elevate your business with love.

Ultimately you are in a relationship with your client and how you act, behave and communicate will influence that. My bottom line in my business is that it is in the giving that we receive. Take the first steps to add more love currency to your business and you will not only see but also feel the results.

Much love


PS I take alot of my business decisions inspired from a whole range of sources. Today it was from one of my most favourite verses, The Serenity Prayer of St Francis of Assis;

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is dispair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy;


O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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